My name is Florian Sprung. Many people call me Ian Sprung. My work is in arithmetic geometry, number theory, and decidability questions, and currently supported by NSF grant 2001280 and Simons Collaboration Grant 635320. My Erdős number is three. Here is a brief vita.
You can contact me at "ian.sprung (at) gmail (dot) com".
For telegrams and other postal mail, you can reach me at 970 Evans Hall, Berkeley CA 94720. Here is my teaching page.


La matrice de logarithme en termes de chiffres p-adiques
Studying Hilbert's 10th problem via explicit elliptic curves
joint with Debanjana Kundu and Antonio Lei
On characteristic power series of dual signed Selmer groups
joint with Jishnu Ray
Chromatic Selmer groups for imaginary quadratic fields
published in J.T. Nombres de Bordeaux
Consequences of the functional equation for pairs of p-adic L-functions
with Cédric Dion, published in Abhandlungen aus dem mathematischen Seminar Hamburg
Ranks of elliptic curves over Zp²-extensions
with Antonio Lei, published in Israel Journal of Mathematics
The Iwasawa Main Conjecture for elliptic curves at odd supersingular primes
Integral Euler Systems and Main Conjectures
RIMS Bessatsu
Zeta-polynomials for modular form periods
with Ken Ono and Larry Rolen, published in Advances in Mathematics
A formulation for p-adic versions of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectures in the supersingular case
published in Research in Number Theory
On pairs of p-adic L-functions for weight two modular forms
published in Algebra and Number Theory
The Šafarevič-Tate group in cyclotomic Zp-extensions at supersingular primes
published in Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal)
The p-parts of Tate-Shafarevich groups of elliptic curves
published in RIMS Bessatsu
Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves at supersingular primes: A pair of main conjectures
published in the Journal of Number Theory
(The video features Shinichi Kobayashi and Robert Pollack)
Iwasawa Theory for Elliptic Curves - in Japanese
Proceedings of the 6th Kinosaki Shinjin Seminar


Elliptic Curves with Supersingular Reduction over Gamma-extensions (arXiv)
Translation of a note by Anas G. Nasybullin from 1976, joint with Igor Minevich
While working on my notes
A short essay by Kunihiko Kodaira on how to read mathematics